Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Long Journey

on 28th OGOS 2011 ... my family and i had traveled to HONG KONG and MACAU for 7 days 6 nights  ... it was in fasting month... we packed all the necessary items for the long journey... As we knew that in hong kong we will definitely hard to find HALAL food  we manage to pack some food from home like rendang ... ketupat, sambal kacang , maggi , soup campbell and so on ... yup... Eid day is coming soon... that's why we had took the rendang with us..hahaha...  our flight is at 5.30 pm ... 

at Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT)
we can only afford to fly with Air Asia .. so we decided to backpack in Hong Kong , we're not using any travel agents ... so one bag per person.... :) .. yahooo!!  
checking our passport...
it's takes 4 hours to reach there... we broke our fast in the flight.... the food served was kinda simple but expensive...anyway it's the only choice that we had....

IFTAR food in flight... nasi lemak!!  expensive!! 
we arrived at MACAU AIRPORT... actually the flight runway is a restricted area to take a photo ...but ...hehehe....

:) ... hello macau!!!! 
yup!!! dats right!! adventure begin...

MACAU International Airport

at last... DREAM COME TRUE!!!

my beloved bro! ahakks!! 
we're taking a bus to search for a mosque to SOLAT....

in the bus!!
on the way to the mosque....

my siblings...
night view of MACAU from the Reservoir  ...
I saw many people jogged by the reservoir at night!! COOL!!! i like! 

there's a moonlight SAGA..hahaha..
we went to the mosque at 11pm to pray (JAMA' QASAR SOLAT) it's the only mosque in Macau....this picture is quite dark...sorry~ ..

mosque in the night ..
actually ... on the left of the mosque area were  graves yard ... hhuhuhu... we slept at the mosque for a night.... it's quite scary but since we're so tired , we slept well ..Alhamdulillah...there's also few indonesian maid who spent the nite at the mosque (QIAMULLAIL) share their food with us ..i enjoyed the  ICE-CREAM!!!hehehe... May God bless them for their generous !!!... 
that mom said we're going to continue our journey at 6am in the morning.. :) ..

the mosque... quite small...
Al-Fatihah ~ 
1,2 ,Go!!!
jia you!!!
ok...after this we're going to HK !!!

photographer : AnN ...
dad bought 6 ticket for us... 5 adult 1 children ... total price is ... 945HK$ ...

turbo jet ferry - Macau - HK ...
in FERRY....
Macau view!!! it's beautiful!!

missed this place!!
we arrived at the Hong Kong Ferry Terminal .... there's a shopping complex in the building ....amazing...haha...

amazing huh!!
we walked  search for MTR is same like LRT ( Malaysia) but MTR is one of the most fastest train in the world ..

yup...dats right... and this is the situation at the MTR.....
MTR station ..
there's a lot of people waiting for the MTR... for your information , MTR is the most important transport for the Hong Kong resident ...

waiting 4 the MTR ...

MTR arrived ..
there's a lot people rushing go in and out from the train ... this show that they really precious their time... yup! Time is a Gold ....  we have to be like them!! ;) ! 

going in ...
rest 4 a while ...
searching for hotel .. LOW COST hotel...

Hello ! HONG KONG!! 

longest escalator 
there's a long escalator in Manhattan Road.... it's more than 5 km i guess...

TIRED .... after being walked for 10km.... oh..NOW that we call .... adventure...and backpacking... 

a shop at HK ...

Hong Kong Disneyland ...

Continue ...

pesanan kali ini : 

Menjelajah Ruang yang tak ber-Ruang , melangkah setapak demi setapak dalam Jarak yang tiada ber-Jarak  Terbang Bebas dan Merdeka dalam kemerdekaan-Nya di Waktu yang tak ber-Waktu.

Melapaskan segala Ikatan yang membelenggu JIWA untuk masuk kedalam Jiwa Mutma'innah. JIWA-JIWA menjadi satu JIWA , Satu Rasa , Satu Rahsia dengan Robbul'Alamiin . 

JAGA dalam Tidur menggapai Insan Kamil Mukamil yang senantiasa ter-JAGA dalam keter-JAGA-anNya di setiap Gerak dan Diam-NYA . 

Musnah segala Sekat dan Lenyap segala Hijab serta tersingkaplah Cadar yang menutupi ....

Thursday, November 24, 2011

old school memories ~

damn... I miss it very much!!!! ....

i'm started close with the twins( bff) since i was form 2... their name is nur izyana and nur izyani... nur izyana was in same class with me..but nur izyani was in another class...we are use to be become partner . They always be kind to me... what the things that made me remember to both of you is...both of you really love reading novel.... huhuhu... i really appreciate them... this is the present that they gave to me when i was form 2...  thank you   
very much yana . yani ... :) 

my best friend girl !!! i love it!!

okay..and this my besty too...hrrmmm...her name is ummul ... my ABI had called her 'Mak' hahaha... so funny ... eventhough she a sulky...but i still love to be her friend.. in the past..we often chatting about the korean drama..japanese drama...and so on...hahaha... i missed that time... funny!!!
hmmm..... okay... and i also kinda close to these seniors.... they are really kind to me.. miss them so much!!!!

lovely one!! hahaha

i really thanked to them because they always be kind to me...

my fav senior!!!

this my school pic.... Ma'ahad Al-Ehya' El-Karim....

surau al-muqarramah a.k.a dewan

tak de keje ...akhir thn..buat star tak jd...hahah

akhir thn form 2 kot....

in the class room... after class party..hahaha

ramai yg dah pindah ke sekolah lain...

last day in asrama MEKAR... :)) ...:(( 

yup!!.. good bye MEKAR..nama mu sentiasa di dalam ingatan ..~
pesanan kali ini : 

Apabila dirimu memerlukan KEKASIH maka pilihlah ALLAH ... apabila dirimu memerlukan RAKAN maka pilihlah AL-QURAN ...apabila dirimu memerlukan SOKONGAN maka BERTAWAKALLAH kepadaNYA sepenuh hati... kerana DIAlah PENJAGA HATI yang tidak akan pernah HILANG malah akan terus KEKAL untuk setiap hambaNYA yang memerlukan.. <3 ~

Kasih Ilahi TIADA SEMPADAN ...tidak memilih siapa dan TIDAK BERAKHIR malah KEKAL selamanya... bersendirian tidak bermakna KESEORANGAN , tidak bermakna MENYEPI kerana diri masih "ada"yang MEMERHATI ....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


hrmm... one week before the school holiday start...  SEMESRA mengadakan PRAKTIKAL SEMBELIHAN!!! it's quite interesting  !!  sblm start... pihak sekolah ada menjemput seorg pak cik yg berpelangalaman dlm menyembelih ni utk bg taklimat...hrmmm.... sblm pak cik tu bg taklimat... kitorang kt belakang buat ..... hahaha ...saksikanlah ...

berebut- rebut my VONO soup ...huhu !
hahaha ... lepas itu , semua nk berebut- berebut take a picture ....hahaha...snap shoot!

dat's it! photogenic ! 

tiba2 ...ada 2 pahlawan sedang berlawan... that is pahlawan AnN and PqaZa..hahaha

itu dia ...  IP MAN dtg utk menyelamat !!
lps penat berlawan dgn raksaksa PqaZa ... kitorang jd photogenic balik...hahaha ...

Ema Memo d' mangsa  .. AnN d' hero .. Pqa Za d' raksaksa...hahaha

lps pakcik tu bg taklimat..dia kata setiap kelas hantar wakil 3 org utk sembelih ayam.. disbbkan aku mls nk tengok setiap kelas menyembelih ayam...aku dan org2 yg berada di dalam gambar di atas telah memulakan aktiviti kami...hahaha..

mula2 aku jd KARATE KID ...hahaha...

kak yong!
lps tu..kitorang tukar port... kitorang bergambo di padang SEMESRA ...hahaha...
tp sblm tu nk main roda...hahaha..

hahaha....tak de keje hero main benda ni...hahaha...just for FUN !
aku n geng pun lari ke padang... wooa hooo!

ada bintang!!! hahaha...
mula lah akitiviti sebenar kami...hahaha

high school musical... BANDURIAN ...
tidak!!!! aku dibuli!!!!! someone help me??!!!

aku tak nk masuk longkang!!!! TIIIDAAAAKK! 

HAHAHA.... lps aku diselamatkan oleh ULTRAMAN.. aku pun FLY a.k.a SNEAK OUT dari SEMESRA ...

TIBA2 ...kerja gila bermain di otak ku...

p/s : jgn tiru aksi ini di tempat bahaya ini! 

gembira sgt dpt SNEAK OUT smpai berhenti dpn sekolah ambil gmbr buat kenangan ...


hmmm.... kitorang pun gi FLY ke tmpat SEMBELIHAN!!!
mula lah aktiviti sembelih...

maka tersembelihlah burung puyuh yg comel ni.... pakcik tu kata...klu org sembelih binatang dgn ikhlas..maka masa kita bersihkan binatang tu...badan dia akan berwarna putih...dan tidak akan nmpk kesan lebam pada badan...

alhamdulillah ....

selesai juga aktiviti SEMBELIHAN hari ni...  :) 

pesanan kali ini :

Apabila kita sebagai umat islam tidak lagi mahu mengikut ajaran islam, tidak lagi mahu taat kepada Allah SWT bahkan sebaliknya kita berbuat maksiat kepada-Nya , tidak mensyukuri nikmat-Nya dan mengingkari kasih sayang-Nya , maka Allah SWT akan menurunkan azabnya melalui musuh-musuh Islam itu sendiri ..